Remember when things were simple and easy, yeah, not here! feeling bad? sad? come take a glimse at my crazy mixed up life and instantly feel better!
As crazy as this may sound, its all completly and utterly one could make up this crazy of a story
Published on March 2, 2004 By laydeeluv In Welcome
This is the first, the beginning, the opening to a story that is ganna take you through a year of my life. unfortunatly, this isnt one of those once upon a time storys, i have to get this all out before its to late. no, im not getting bumped off...i hope...but i might end up in prison, not jail...prison. i dont know if they allow computer usage in prison...but i have to get my story out beforehand...just in sit back...relax...and get ready to be amazed...horrified...enthralled...or bored...
on Mar 02, 2004
May I be the first to formally welcome you to I hope you enjoy blogging here and interacting with the community that is starting to develop here.

I wish you all the best

Sir Peter Maxwell